Wound care and infection control
Competency Based Learning

The guiding principles of wound care have always been focused on defining the wound, identifying any associated factors that may influence the healing process, and then selecting the appropriate wound dressing or treatment device to meet the aim and aid the healing process. (ausmed.com.au)
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to follow organisational infection prevention and control procedures, including implementing standard and transmission-based precautions and responding to infection risks. This unit applies to individuals working in health (Training.gov.au)
Topics Covered
- Physiology of a wound / skin care essentials / wound healing/ Acute and chronic wound types
- Principles of holistic assessment of the client with a wound
- Factors that affect healing – recognising risk and symptoms of pressure
- Select appropriate dressing – follow plan instructions to inspect and replace dressings (under health practitioner supervision and only if on care plan)
- Use of Aseptic technique
- Cleansing wound – Basic dressing
- Ongoing management and referral
- Follow Handwashing and infection control guidelines
- Purpose and methods of positioning
Need more information?
This Course is 100% Face-to-Face
This Course is $85
You can book in for an upcoming course HERE. Or call us on 0431 641 497 to book over the phone.
Upcoming Dates
Please call or email us to receive our training schedule.
0431 641 497 | info@icaretraining.com.au